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Instructors Course 2025

Jan 21, 2025 | NEWS


On January 19, 2025, the LTSI TaeKwon-Do Schools held their annual instructors and cadet course at the St. Albans TKD Schools head office. A total of 11 cadets and 6 instructors participated, representing various skill levels.

The course was conducted by Master Chris Snow, 8th Dan, and assisted by Mr. Smith, 6th Degree, and Mr. Marsh, 4th Dan. This intensive course is one of the most significant events on the LTSI calendar and covers a wide range of topics, including teaching methods for the LTSI syllabus, free sparring, and breaking techniques.

Instructors received an official instructors’ guide, which helps all candidates understand the legal requirements set by the LTSI. The Cadet course is designed for Blue Belts and above and focuses on how to assist in classes, fill out the fire register, understand legal considerations, and other relevant topics for helping in local schools.

Master Snow noted that this year’s course included some exciting updates, which all candidates responded to enthusiastically due to the structural changes.

We extend our gratitude to everyone who attended and look forward to seeing the new skills demonstrated in local schools. For more information, you can visit the Masters’ school website at