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St Albans TaeKwonDo

"Always putting progression first before profits"


8th Dan Black Belt Exam

7th Dan Black Belt Exam

6th Dan Black Belt 3 Board Break

Hall of fameMaster Snow’s 39 Year History

Chris began his martial arts training in January 1986 after spending over a year searching for the right discipline. He experimented with Kung Fu, Karate, Muay Thai, and even tried boxing for a short period, but none captured his interest. It was Tae Kwon Do, under the tutelage of local instructor Mr. Billy Vigour, a 2nd Dan at the time, that he started in January 1986. After a year, Chris moved from the Hemel Hempstead club to one in St. Albans. His initial reluctance to participate in grading changed when his new coach, Mr. John McDonald, also a 2nd Degree, encouraged him to build his confidence and begin taking exams.

Moving On in TaeKwonDo

In 1987, facing significant challenges within the club, Chris chose to switch instructors, joining Mr. Anthony Manning, a then 3rd Dan (now a Master). Under Manning’s guidance, Chris’s abilities were fully honed. Although not initially inclined towards competition, he began participating and soon started winning medals. Tony, known for his rigorous training methods, was adept at cultivating champions, being a seasoned competitor with numerous national titles to his name. At that time, titles held more weight due to fewer divisions, leading to larger, unified events.

Chris stayed with Tony until January 2001. He left due to several issues within the group he was part of, prompting a desire to forge his own path. At that point a 4th Degree, Chris sought independence in his practice. It is important to note that Chris still regards the B.U.T.F., the organization he was affiliated with, as the premier group in the U.K., and acknowledges his coach’s loyalty, which he had underestimated at the time.

He asserts this view, having experienced that nearly everyone they have associated with post-2001 has engaged in bad practices towards them.


Past instructors and members attempted to impose new rules on us and tarnish our reputation through slander. However, that’s all in the past, as we now run a stable group that progresses independently, free from political interference.
Chris has been competing in national events since 1989, continuing through to 2009, and has garnered over 40 awards. While not many are gold, his collection of silver and bronze medals is impressive, and he has consistently been an active competitor.

Since 1994, Chris has been coaching Tae Kwon Do, leading clubs in St. Albans and London Colney. He currently oversees the L.T.S.I.

His life has been challenging, having spent his youth in boarding schools and homes because of his parents’ poor role modeling. At ten, he survived a motorcycle accident that severely injured his abdomen, requiring 170 stitches. He relearned balance, speech, and coordination, making his accomplishments all the more remarkable.

Teaching from the heart

Master Snow TTKDAs an Instructor he teaches from the heart, he is outspoken at times and will not bow down to pressure from those senior to him, he is extremely disciplined in and out the club and is not a smoker or drinker. When teaching, he reflects and pulls information from his younger years – this approach means that you can learn from his experiences, good and bad. It is documented he has had around 30+ real confrontations – some have been bloody battles from which he has lost teeth and is still carrying the scars, but this is something he is not proud of and can often be heard at class saying he was not a wise man in his teens and early 20’s. He has produced over 60 national champions and european and world medalist.

All his grades have been earnt from sweat and blood – as stated above, his co-ordination has always been poor and his speech often weaker than most, yet he makes most look poor in kicking skills or performances. At 49, he is one of the most flexible coaches in the U.K. still but, more importantly, he is down to earth, treating all students the same, regardless of age or creed.

He has trained five days a week, two hours a day personally since starting Tae Kwon Do and still does. He often says his first love in life is his wife and kids, but a close second is his Tae Kwon Do. (read his path to master path to master2 a very personal story written by him)

In November 2020 he was inducted into the General Choi Hong Hi Hall of Fame, making him one of a very few in the world to get this honour.

His dream in life is to run a full time Martial Arts centre one day but, as he says “It may never happen, but I will keep trying”. National & International certificates are held by chris 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th and 7th Dan Master Certificates. 1st Degree was issued by the GBTA not shown as damaged during a house move in 2000.

Interntaional I.T.F. Examiner & Referee certificates held.


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